Client Shipt
Category Web Design
Year 2021

Creative Director Claudio Guglieri
Art Director Kelsey Cordutsky
Senior Visual Designer Melissa Castaño, Ashley Legiadre
UX Lead Jean He, Diana Gonzalez
After rebranding in 2020, Shipt wanted a web experience that would celebrate their new identity. We were tasked with redesigning the logged-out experience to improve brand affinity and acquisition — taking the experience from personal to interpersonal. It was important to center the experience around community at every stage of the journey, while highlighting ease of discoverability for users visiting the site. Through many design workshops we designed a series of “features” that could be integrated throughout the web experience in order to make discovery on Shipt feel serentipidous while connecting customers to products. 

The dynamic features were implemented on new designs for the Shipt homepage and various customizable landing pages.

Dynamic Homepage tailored to a visitor’s location/time/season, providing relevant products to shop

Updated search

Real-time discovery modules connecting visitors to their own community through live stats, interactive polls, and trending products

Components, modules, and UI updates

Features live beyond the homepage and extend to other landing pages on

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